IRSA congratulates the recipients of the 2024 IRSA Research Supports:
- Haiyun Nisa (Universitas Syiah Kuala), Wenny Aidina (Ritz Konsultan Psikologi), and Dian Fakhrunnisak (Universitas Gadjah Mada) for their research proposal on “Eco-Anxiety: The Impact of Climate Change on Women’s Mental Health in Aceh, Indonesia”.
- Zulfa Sakhiyya (Universitas Negeri Semarang), Rini Astuti (Australian National University), and Yulida Pangastuti (Universitas Gadjah Mada) for their research proposal on “Un-gendering Climate Resilience: Why Women Matter in Climate Resilience in Indonesia”.
We received numerous proposals, and the selection process was highly competitive. We anticipate high-quality research outputs from these projects. Winners are expected to present their projects at the 19th IRSA International Conference in Ambon.
Coordinators of the Grant Selection Committee:
Professor Devanto S. Pratomo
Indonesian Regional Science Association (IRSA) Secretariat
IRSA Research Support for Localizing Smart Economies and Infrastructures
In today’s rapidly evolving world, the rapid development of cutting-edge technologies—such as artificial intelligence (AI), big data, blockchain, and the Internet of Things (IoT)—has created more efficient, resilient, and responsive economic systems, collectively known as Smart Economies. The integration of digital technologies into physical infrastructure systems, such as transportation, energy, water, and communications—referred to as Smart Infrastructures—offers the potential to transform regions into more efficient, adaptive, and sustainable environments for rural and urban communities, particularly cities. While the concepts of Smart Economy and Smart Infrastructure are often discussed on a global scale, their real impact depends on how they are localized to address the unique challenges, needs, and opportunities of diverse communities, especially in developing economies like Indonesia. However, the question of how to localize these smart technologies to promote inclusive growth and sustainability in Indonesia’s local regions remains a topic of debate, with limited practical policy frameworks to guide implementation.
Research Support
The IRSA Research Support for Localizing Smart Economies and Infrastructure provides small research grants of up to Rp. 25,000,000 to support high-quality research projects—whether theoretical, empirical, or case study-based. These projects aim to generate new insights into effectively addressing the challenges of establishing and implementing localized smart economies and infrastructure in regional Indonesia, with a focus on promoting inclusive growth and sustainability.
Research topics
Research topics may encompass, but are not restricted to, the following areas:
- Digital and smart economy and local development
- Smart infrastructure and regional development
- Innovative governance and institutions for sustainable cities and regions
- Climate mitigation and adaptation in the changing environment
- Innovations for strengthening local competitiveness
- New frontiers in regional science theories and approaches
- Spatial transformation in the rapid urbanization era
- Mainstreaming gender and social inclusion in policy and practice.
Who can apply?
Indonesian researchers from any scientific discipline who are willing to present their research findings at the 20th IRSA International Conference, to be held in Semarang on 14–15 July 2025.
- Deadline of proposal submissions: 15 March 2025
- Notification of the winner: 4 April 2025
- Presentation of the findings: 15-16 July 2025
- Final paper submissions: 31 August 2025
In preparing your proposal, please use the following (https://bit.ly/IRSA_Research_Support_2025) downloadable form. Submit your proposal via email to heriyaldi(at)unpad.ac.id and cc to devanto(at)ub.ac.id.