ANU Indonesia Project is a leading international centre of research and graduate training on the society and economy of Indonesia. The Project was established in 1965 by H.W. Arndt in response to profound changes in the Indonesian economic and political landscape. Initially comprising a small group of Indonesia-focused economists, it has since grown into an interdisciplinary research centre. Researching economic change is still at its heart, but the Project now brings together academics, students, policymakers and leaders from a range of disciplines and countries to discuss the multitude of issues in Indonesia’s growth and development. The Project has helped build greater understanding between Indonesia and Australia and fostered important relations between Indonesian and Australian scholars, students and policymakers.

Conference Secretariat
Department Regional and Urban Planning
Universitas Diponegoro
Jl. Prof. Soedarto No.13, Tembalang
Semarang City 50275
Central Java Province